martes, 30 de enero de 2007

Psychedelic Nights

Psychedelic Nights was produced for a theme entitled "Memory"
Some of my favourite memories come from this era, the late 60´s, and I feel quite sentimental about this time. Also because of the theme title you will see there a memory tribute of the late , lovely "John Lennon" who was sadly assassinated in New York, whilst leaving his apartment. His memory of course lives on with his music and known acts for world peace. Also inspired by memories of nights spent at the "Temple" and "Marquee" clubs.
This print is available to purchase from a short run of 50/signed and dated& numbered by the artist.

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2007

Eye Graffiti

Playing around with a bit of art today, an interpretation of the word Graffiti,

well we seem to graffiti eveything in sight so I wondered maybe it would become the next fashion statement to complement piercings.
This is part digital and part hand painted, on paper.
For sale as a digital limited edition print.

jueves, 4 de enero de 2007

Psychedelic Tent

This is the famous psychedelic tent from the 60´s exhibtion, it was big enough to allow 3 adults to sit inside. It actually created quite a reaction, as this era in Spain was about 10years behind. It was built as a bit of fun to complement the exhibition but I became quite attatched to it.

miércoles, 3 de enero de 2007


A starting point , this picture was part of my ¨The 60´s¨ exhibition, which consisted of 40 images depicting the 60´s, from the Maharishi to Psychedelia. Beatles 2 is a large painting in oils and painted on canvas in 2005. It depicts the flower power era of the beatles, also in the exhibition was Beatles 1, when the Beatles first started.
Available for sale


A new year and a new blog, my virtual studio/gallery.This is just a welcome for those visiting, and hopefully returning as things get added. Your comments are valuable, so please leave one if you wish.